Friday, June 8, 2007

Fame or Infamy

Well I am not sure if this means that I am famous or infamous or maybe just that I go out to much but there is a photo of me in this month´s issue of XelaWho. It is a silly free monthly that is put out here in Xela. There are some pretty funny articles sometimes and they always do this imitation of the society pages in a paper where they have pictures of people that they take at the local hot spots. King and Queen is one of my favorite bars. That night was Carrie´s birthday party. In the picture with me is one of the bar tenders. Yes, I go by Jacobo here most of the time (pronounced ha co bo). It is the Spanglized version of my name and a bit easier for Spanish speakers to pronounce although there are quite a few native English speakers that call me that as well. Check the picture out here...


Sossego333 said...

that's pretty funny!

kate said...

you love it

CC said...

Cobo... vos conoces a "medio mundo".... sabes que sos famoso :)